The Homologous Structures kit includes physical models of the arm bones for a bat, cat, whale and human. Each arm can be separated into the hand bones, forearm bones (radius and ulna), and the humerus bone.
Students can sort and assemble the arm bones, exploring both the similarities and differences between each species.
Free web-based augmented reality (AR) enhancements introduce additional concepts by overlaying digital visualizations directly onto the physical models, including:
Sometimes the most mundane obvervations are the most amazing. . . if we slow down enough to ponder them.
Every ShoeBox Education kit includes a recommended observation or simple phenomenon as a way to introduce the topic and encourage curiosity. See our recommended approach to using physical models in the classroom for more.
Observe your hand. Compare it with another person’s hand. How are they the same? How are they different? Now compare your hand to your foot? Are the shape of our hands and feet are somehow related? Are we all related to each other in some way? Are we related to other species?
Phenomenon Video:
Sort the bones by color and discuss any similarities or differences observed between them. Sort them by species, using the printed Species Cards to help if needed, and discuss any similarities or differences observed between them.
Do you think the four species are related? In what way? What might be the cause(s) of their relationship?
Species Cards: speciescards.pdf
Assemble the arm bones of the four species and place them on the printed Species Cards. Open the AR Webpage on any mobile device with a camera and scan each Species Card to display the full skeleton.
Are there similarities in the leg bones, like there are in the arm bones? Are the skulls similar? Are there differneces as well? Why are some parts of the skeletons more similar and others less?
Species Cards: speciescards.pdf
AR Webpage:
Assemble the arm bones of the four species and place them on the printed Species Cards. Open the AR Webpage on any mobile device with a camera and scan each Species Card to display the arm muscles of that species.
Are there similarities in the muscles, like there are in the bones? Are some muslces larger or smaller in different species? Why are some parts of the muscular system more similar and others less?
Species Cards: speciescards.pdf
AR Webpage:
The physical models do not accurately capture scale. Open the 3D Webpage on any mobile device to display all four species’ skeletons at the same scale.
How do the sizes of the four species compare? How might their size relate to how the species behaves or what it can do? Why are some species large and others small?
3D Webpage:
Start by forgetting that these are bones from four real species, and instead picture them simply as an assortment of bones with a range of diverse traits. Combine one hand, forearm, and humerus of your choice to build an arm of an imaginary species.
What advantages might the arm you constructed give your species? What disadvantages might it have? What habitat or conditions might allow it to survive? What habitat or conditions might not let it survive?
A Printable Version of the Content on this Webpage: teacherguide.pdf
Free Images for Building Custom Activities:
Teacher-developed Activities:
How to Use Models in Your Classroom:
3D Printing Guide (for purchased digital 3D print files): 3dprintingguide.pdf
We cannot overstate our appreciation for the creativity and input of our teacher friends. If you have developed a neat activity for this kit, tell use about it at: